
New Plymouth District Council 



Web Design & Development

Umbraco Content Management 


Puke Ariki’s central library, five community libraries, mobile library, museum and visitor information centre connect Taranaki residents and out-of-region visitors to a wealth of knowledge, exhibitions, experiences and resources.

We were engaged by New Plymouth District Council to create Puke Ariki’s digital third door. We implemented a complete rebuild from the ground up, ensuring that content is accessible to the right people at the right time. The result is an engaging experience that communicates the identity and culture of Puke Ariki, enabling them to thrive well into the future.

Ensuring content is accessible to the right people at the right time.

From our proto-persona workshop and other research—5 key user groups were identified. Their needs and objectives are highlighted, along with how the Puke Ariki website will uniquely serve them.

Wireframes allowed us to focus in on functionality, behavior and priority of content.

Along with the user persona’s, interactive wireframes were developed that enabled Puke Ariki to explore the site, and provide any user feedback that they gained from their experience, creating a cycle of continuous improvement.

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